Mucking up your marketing costs not only time and money, but the missed opportunity of new customers. Learn from the marketing mistakes of others so you can skip past them and jump straight into a more efficient and successful approach. I’ll share common and...
All businesses need to do marketing. Sometimes though it’s hard to work out what’s the best marketing to do that will give you the greatest bang for your buck. With so many options out there and limited resources small businesses need an advantage and it all lies in...
Social media is a complete mystery to many business owners. Should you be on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn or some other platform? What do you post and when do you post it? Who has time for it and does it matter? Some see social media as the answer to all their problems,...
This seminar will tell you about the very important items you need to know about protecting your brand on line. It is based on true real life stories I’ll be sharing. Learn Ten key steps that all businesses need to make to ensure that they don’t lose...
Imagine losing access to your Facebook page, your YouTube account or your Google page. Urghhh! It does happen more than you think and the impact on your business could be devastating. You can bullet proof your brand. Come along and find out 10 things you can do right...