
It’s Who They Know. Networking in Perspective.

A mistake business owners often make at networking functions is looking around a room and making assumptions about how much potential business they can get from this group of people. The reality is that the power in networking lies with who these people in a room refer you to. It’s their colleagues, friends, business contacts etc that usually bring in referral business. It’s important to build relationships with people to get access to these networks. This takes time but is well worth the effort. Watch the video to get some more networking tips.



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Use Your Marketing Love Language

Use Your Marketing Love Language

Let me just start by reassuring you that it’s ok not to like every sort of marketing ... read more

End of Financial Year Resolutions

End of Financial Year is a great time of year to set an intention for the new financial year. It doesn’t have to be grand it can be simple and it doesn’t even need to be about your business rather you the business owner. read more

AI in Marketing – More Artificial or More Intelligent?

Learn how to put more personal intelligence in your marketing Artificial Intelligence with 3 key tips I share in this blog post. read more

Tips to Get Back into Business after a Break

Six steps to find your business and marketing mojo Are you finding it hard to get back into ... read more

Is Your Marketing Stressing You Out?
Just Relax and Read.
These five steps could rock your marketing world (in a good way) as they have for many other business owners.
Download this free e-book and your Marketing Zen is just 10 pages away.

Is Your Marketing Stressing You Out?

Just Relax and Read.

These five steps could rock your marketing world (in a good way) as they have for many other business owners.

Download this free e-book and your Marketing Zen is just 10 pages away.

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